The nation seems to have been divided over Akshay Kumar’s national award win. While some people expressed their happiness on social media, there were others who thought that he didn’t deserve it over actors such as Manoj Bajpayee (Aligrah) and Aamir Khan (Dangal). Some even trolled him brutally in the same regard.
Now filmmaker Priyadarshan, who has collaborated with Akshay Kumar for various films including Hera Pheri, Bhagam Bhag, Garam Masala and Bhool Bhulaiyaa amongst others, has taken a stand against those questioning the actor’s win, after many attributed it to his closeness with Priyadarshan, who is the Jury Chairperson in Feature Films category.
Defending his stance, the filmmaker said, “I have heard of all that and I will answer it in a simple way. When Ramesh Sippy was jury head Amitabh Bachchan won. When Prakash Jha was head of jury, Ajay Devgn won. So none questioned at that time. So why all these questions are cropping up today.”
Furthermore, he clarified that that the decision was made keeping in mind Akshay’s performance in Rustom as well as Airlift.