Google to left out Support for Microsoft's IE7, Firefox 3.5 and Chrome 9
"Beginning August 1, we'll support the current and prior major release of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari on a rolling basis," said Venkat Panchapakesan, who heads Google's enterprise engineering team, in a company blog Wednesday. "Each time a new version is released, we'll begin supporting the update and stop supporting the third-oldest version." By that scheme, Google will stop supporting IE7, Firefox 3.5, Apple's Safari 3 and its own Chrome 9, all which have released two newer versions. IE7, for example, has been superseded by IE8 and IE9; the same goes for Firefox 3.5, which has been replaced by Firefox 3.6 and Firefox 4. After Aug. 1, users running those browsers may have trouble with some features in Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Talk...